Monday 5 December 2011

Special behaviour that protects animals from danger

  • Besides physical characteristics, some animals also behave in special ways to protect themselves from their enemies. These include
( a ) changing the colour of fur or skin
( b ) living in groups
( c ) pretending to be dead
( d ) breaking off a body part
( e ) giving off a bad smell or black ink
( f ) running or flying away
( g ) hiding

  • The Arctic fox can change the colour of its fur to match the colour of its surroundings.
( a ) In spring and summer, the Arctic fox has grey fur. Before the start of autum and winter, its fur will change to white.
( b ) By changing the colour of its fur, the Arctic fox can avoid being detected by its enemies easily.

  • Chameleons can change their skin colour to match the colour of their surroundings, for example the colour of a tree trunk. This ability helps chameleons to hide from their enemies.

  • Elephants, deer, buffaloes and zebras live and move from place to place in groups ( herds ). This allows them to defend themselves together when they are in danger.
  • For example, when an enemy attacks a herd of elephants, the elephants will form a circle and keep their young in the center of the circle.

  • A gecko can break off its tail when it’s enemy and gives the gecko time to escape.
  • The squid and octopus can give off black ink that darkens the water around them. This can confuse their enemies and give the squid and octopus time to escape.

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